Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, I think Michelle is the only one who hasn't finished Breaking Dawn yet. So, I will still not say anything. But the book was great! AND.... the last page is so worth waiting for.

For those of you who haven't heard, on Stephanie Meyers website, she put up a post about Midnight Sun. This is the Twilight book, but Edward is telling the story, not Bella. At first I was so ticked someone would illegally post the 264 pages because now she says she will not finish the book, at least anytime soon. Then, on Sunday I decided I would just read it anyway. And it is sooooo dang good. It cuts off right before the meadow though! Anyway, I was glued to the computer for about 4 hours. It's the best. I would totally read all the books from his view if she would write them.
Needless to say, being the cynic that I am, I can't help but wonder if this is all a plot to help drive the movie sales. Stephanie says she is pretty sure she knows who leaked the copy, and that she only gave it to people she trusted. So why?.... suddenly is this person going to betray her? Maybe money, who knows.
Plot or not, it's totally worth reading. It has typo's etc. because it was no where near being finished. However, her editors are horrible anyway, and in all her printed books there are grammar and spelling errors. I guess that's why she says she's a story teller not a writer! lol
Hey, whatever works! She tells a dang good story. And I'm sure to read it again and again.