Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well I finished my first quarter at SFCC! I am so excited that I got a 99% on my Psychology Final! I got 3 A's my first quarter and I worked full time as well. It is crazy to think 12 weeks has passed. It's been an interesting 12 weeks, I'm not gonna lie.
Next quarter I get to do Math 91 at 7:30am. Jared says the teacher I have rips on her students and calls them "idiotic" and he isn't too fond of her. I just hope she is not a cow to me! I don't need issues in a subject that I suck at! Then at 8:30am, I have the first of four Accounting classes I get to take at the Falls. And last but not least, I have an on-line class- World Music.
Here's the part that doesn't make me smile. My Tuition costs $1003. My books for Spring quarter cost $555. What the crap is that about?
I'm not sure how long I can keep up on Full Time school and Work, but school is my future at this point! I'm loving it!