Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I can't believe it's been since March since I posted! Wow!!!!

Well, in a nut shell. I'm in Vancouver, WA attending school at Clark Community. I opted not to go to WSU without my AA cause it's way more expensive and I'd have to take a ton of their General Ed requirements that would otherwise be waived if I have my AA.

Over Memorial Day weekend I met Morgan. Things have been going well and got a lot more serious when I decided to move. So, it's highly likely that I will be moving back to Spokane after this 1 quarter here so that he and I can actually date and see where it goes. But for now, I'm like a giddy school girl after I talk to him on the phone. I'm looking forward to spending a weekend with him in October! He really is super sweet to me! He gets annoyed that I don't ask for help with carrying bags to my car and things like that. But I have to assure him it's because I've single forever and not used to having help. I told him it wasn't some "independent, feminist things." heehee

Anyway, it's great!!! I'm happy. Couldn't ask for a sweeter guy who treats me well!

This quarter is Biology, Health, and Math! It's a full quarter and I'm glad I have so much to focus on to make my time not seem so long before I get back to my family, friends and delicious, good chocolate man!


DeAnne said...


Britany Michelle said...

Big sister D! We have different taste in said chocolate. LOL