Friday, August 15, 2008

Decided and Confirmed

So this past Sunday on the 10th, I decided to talk to Bishop Anderson about life's dilemma's. We talked about life, love, choices and goals. The cool thing about him is that he won't make a decision for anyone, but rather listen and help us to come to our own conclusions. After I expressed everything and I mean everything to him, he agreed with me that I should stay here and take advantage of the opportunity that Dr. Combs is offering me to stay employed and let me go to school during the day. And to keep working on all my other goals. I told him that at this point, that is what I felt was the right thing to do, but was really struggling with going against an answered prayer. He reassured me that I wasn't being disobedient to Heavenly Father's desires and he promised me that as I keep working on my goals, that everything will fall into place for me.
So, that is the long story short and I feel good about my decision, and glad to know that I am not going to be struck down! LOL
So, I will be starting school in January and it's kind of freaky to think about, but I'm excited for the new challenge!


Laura said...

I like that decision. lol

Us and Them said...

YEAH!!!! She stays. I'm so glad thatyou have an answer, and that you get to stay.

Love you!!!!!