Friday, August 8, 2008


Okay! I totally am unsure if I should move or not. Since I told my boss, she has brought up some logical points. She suggests that I visit Vancouver as much as I need to and check out the singles wards. She also told me that if there were regional activities I wanted to go to, that I could take the time off to go. (She knows all the Mormon lingo by now.) She said she would rather me check it out, than to move and it not be what I'm looking for. Well.... logically that makes sense. But then the other part of me fights the logic with the fact that I have prayed about this move and received such a strong YES! And now, I feel like I can't pray anymore about it because I already got an answer. I really don't know why I get like this. AND, the other annoying part if you will, is that either way, I know I will be fine. I have a great job here, I can go to school starting in January during work time. That way I won't feel so stagnant and bored professionally. But I don't feel like there is a lot of opportunity to meet guys here.
Or, I could move, still start school in January and live in an area that is MUCH larger than Spokane.
I'm going crazy these past few days. I talked with Kelli, and she says that I probably wouldn't have so much anxiety about it if I should go right now. Mom says, maybe Heavenly Father doesn't care which way I go. I have thought all these things out. Different scenarios, all the what-ifs about staying and going. The pros and cons of staying and going... yet all I want to do is pull my freaking hair out!

By the way, Breaking Dawn was awesome and I really wish I could say more, but I won't since most of you haven't finished it! Hurry it on up! I need to read it again. lol
It's my dang happy place right now! My escape from insanity!


DeAnne said...

Britany - Justin here... Is it the spirit that told you to go or was it you wanting to go so bad you got the answer you wanted? Remember Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery with the "lost" pages from the translation of the Book of Mormon? They got the answer they wanted eventually and see what happened! I think you know my opinion and I also think your boss is a very smart Lady. Take her advice and do ALOT of visting over there, before you decide to move. Just because a place is bigger doesn't mean you'll have more opportunities with guys. Salt Lake has a lot of LDS people and so does Southern Idaho (where I lived for several years) and I had to come back to Spokane to meet my Babe. In the end only you can make your choices for you. We'll pray for you!!!! ;)

Crystyne said...

Britany I hate it that you are having so much termoil over this decision. The selfish part of me doesn't want you to go, but the other side of me wants you to go. I know my life has been deeply blessed by finding Jeff and having two beautifl boys together. I want you to have those same blessings in your life as well, even if that means we all have to suck it up and let you move. Either way you go we will still love you and pray for you.

DeAnne said...

Hey, it's D here. I know no one can tell you what the "right" thing to do is. I do agree with ustin that just because you move to a bigger city, doesn't mean you will find a husband or even date more. I can say though, that I read a really great talk my Elder Scott once that was on receiving answers to your prayers. I always had a really hard time knowing what was right. He said that a stupor of thought could manifest itself as feelings of anxiety, worry, stress or something like that. I will see if I can find the talk for you. I know that helped me in a certain hard time of my life. I finally realized that I was having such a hard time because the thing (person) in question was not right at all! I also know that when you are in the temple you will know if your decision is right or wrong. If something isn't right, you won't feel good about it while in the temple...just a little thought for pressure. Anyway, I'm not saying that you shouldn't move, you will do what you feel is right. These are just some thoughts I had. Love ya!

Us and Them said...

Britany, Britany, Britany...

Like Crystyne, I am having some selfish feelings about keeping you here. I have enjoyed getting closer to you, and will be sad to have you not so close. BUT, I too want you to be able to be where youwill have the most opportunity. There is always a ton of advice that comes to mind, but like in our situation, yours too is very personal and it is difficult to make the "right" choice. When Michael was praying about whether to move to Spokane or not, he really struggled. Then, he siad that he realized that the answer was in his hands. He said that he knew that he would be fine either way, and that the Lord was letting him make the choice. So, we came to Spokane. I can't imagine our lives had we stayed in Utah. So, know that we love you and will support you in whatever you decide to do. I will pose a question to you, though. Not for any other reason than to just provoke thought.

"Are you leaving to get away from something, someone, or even yourself, or are you truly going because you feel that the Lord is asking you to have faith in Him and take a step into the unknown."

If you find that you are leaving to get away from someone, something, or even yourself...the problem is this. Where you go, there you are. There is never a right answer when one is in so much agony.

I love you and will support you in whatever you decide.