Friday, August 1, 2008


Oh my Edward, Oh my Edward! Tonight at midnight-oh-one, Breaking Dawn comes out. The fourth and tragically final installment of Twilight! I could read this story forever! I am so excited to read about the wedding............. lol. Should be some good times there!
Yes, I have a reserved copy of the book! I will be meeting up with about 6 different friends to go to Barnes and Noble at 11. We have to check in and wait there. I'm sure people will be there dressed up on some level. I'm not even wearing my Twilight shirt. (Yes, it's sometimes embarrassing to admit how obsessed I am!)
Abby and I will be lounging at her pool all day Saturday(pending good weather) and reading. My cell will either be on silent or I will just outright ignore most phone calls. Unless you want to call and tell me you're in love with me! hahahahahhaa. Inside joke!
Anyway, let the good times begin!


Crystyne said...

Oh Britany... you can't tell me that they are getting married. I am only on the fourht chapter of eclipe.

I love you Britany!

DeAnne said...

I'm in love with you!